janöS global
Display a self-contained (Google-like) Interactive Map integrated right into your site
Other Way:
Rely on API calls, Subscriptions, PDF files and static images
Have a Customer Centric approach where the client input is the focus
Other Way:
Have pre-fabricated maps using markers to display local data
Create as many instances of your map with no extra cost
Other Way:
Geospatial companies own the maps so the more use, the more cost
If you bought the map, you own the map. Period.
Other Way:
GIS Business model uses Subscription Plans and Pay Per Tile Scheme
Integrate a client's resources into one map such as bike lanes, parks and recreational areas, customer buildings, etc.
Other Way:
Use markers and clunky overlays
Elevates a site by creating a dynamic experience
Other Way:
PDFs and static images do not offer such advantages
Save time by quickly navigating the map more intuitively
Other Way:
Spend time navigating through PDFs, static images and pre-defined maps
A by-product of an interactive map is a billboard for your organization
Other Way:
Not possible
A dynamic map will help drive traffic to your website
Other Way:
PDFs and static images while helpful are not effective
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